الأبحاث والتقارير الطبية

• بحوثات نشرت :
1. Maher Kurdi, M.Chamsi-Pasha, S.Baeesa, M.Jan. Dandy walker malformation and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: unusual fatal association. Neurosciences Journal, 2009; Vol.14 (4)
2. The Effect of community behavior in the prevalence and incidence of Dengue fever outbreak in Jeddah City: public awareness and knowledge assessment,  Community & family medicine colleagues, KAU, Saudi Arabia,
(Leader& Participant), WHO, 2005-2006.

• بحوثات جاري نشرها :
1. Maher Kurdi, M.Binmahfoodh, K.Kurdi, S.Baeesa. Curative Embolization of Ruptured intracranial aneurysm in Behcet disease. American Journal of Intervention Neuroradiology, 2010.  Accepted Case report
2. Maher Kurdi, H.Alardati, S.Baeesa. Malignant trigeminal schwannoma associated with anaplastic astrocytoma: a rare collision tumor. American Journal of Neurooncology, 2010.  Sent to Journal Case report
3. A.Aljefri, Maher Kurdi, Y. Alsaid, S.Baeesa. Tuberculosis of Pineal Gland: Case report and literature review. Neurosciences Journal, 2010.  Sent to Journal Case report

• بحوثات لا يزال العمل عليها :
1. S.Baeesa, M.Binmahfoodh, K.Kurdi, Maher Kurdi, et al, Surgical and endovascular management of ruptured and non ruptured aneurysms, outcome and of 120 cases: Cross sectional study and meta-analysis.  (At stage of data analysis).
2. , Maher Kurdi, E. Faizo, H.Alsadi, S.Baeesa. Coexisting association of Meningioma and Cavernous Hemangioma, with Pathological review Article 2010.  Under working.


آخر تحديث
12/26/2010 11:02:57 AM